
Depression not everyone understands what it is exactly…when you get disheartened or when something really bad happens… You start being sad nd you dont like anything anymore.. So you sleep alot nd it leads to weight gain nd den you loose self esteem nd you stop interacting with people anymore nd it makes you even more lonely and depressed

But dont worrry…..!HERE ARE SOME TIPS

  1. Firstly start interacting with your family nd only close friends who understand you
  2. Secondly start will be hard at first but once you get used to it you will start loving it i asure you that
  3. Change your sleeping habits… Sleep at 11 @night nd wake by 6 in morning..
  4. Share your feelings with close ones.. Dont be ashamed…sharing emotions will help you..I hope these tips helps you….if u require guidance you can text me!
  5. Lastly start eating healthy…health is wealth

I know time is tough right now…

I know its hard for you right now…

I know  your mind is messed up

I know people judge you…

i know you can face this hard time

I know you feel like u can’t…but the truth is u can

Yes u can do it!

I know you can face all the hard battles in your life, just have the willingness inside you to fight everything that stops you from achieving ur goal

you are not the only one who is suffering .There are many who are suffering just like you…so stop blaming yourself thinking you are the only one…cheer up young soul!!😘😘dont let the desire to live inside you die so easily

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